How does confidentiality protection work in the cloud?

As the volume and pace of cloud deployments increases, the risks to resources hosted in the cloud increase. Moreover, companies often simultaneously use several clouds for different purposes, further exacerbating the situation. So, how to keep your cloud secure?

The essence of cloud security

Using the cloud to host data, applications, and other assets offers management, access, and scalability benefits. The cloud environment allows businesses to scale up the required capacity quickly, but when it comes to scaling IT infrastructure, information security often fades into the background. As a result, some organizations do not consider strengthening the security system because they completely trust the cloud provider.

Cloud storage is a data storage model in which data is distributed across multiple servers in different locations. Therefore, by using it, you get rid of being tied to one server or physical storage media. Even if one of the servers fails, the cloud solution provider will redistribute the load to other servers and make a backup copy of the data.

Contacts and other data about customers, orders, transactions, amounts paid, and debt balances are something that cannot be lost. And the fact that you don’t want to expose competitors or scammers. Therefore, when we think about migrating to the cloud, we have many questions about privacy and security.

How to stay confident in the cloud?

The transition to cloud platforms creates risks that should be considered in cybersecurity programs. A strong cloud security program must include policies, technologies, applications, and controls that can protect your enterprise from today’s threats. So, there are several ways to prevent threats in the cloud:

  • Politics

Businesses must build security algorithms into the development of any product and service. Instead of relying on a separate group responsible for security control, you should implement a policy that mandates the deployment of DevOps and DevSecOps in business units that develop new offerings. In addition, implementing a policy requiring departments and staff to participate in identifying, classifying, and accounting assets help to increase awareness and security.

  • Correct configuration

IT departments need to set up cloud resources to separate data from operations, enable automatic identification, and restrict access to only those people and systems that need it to do their job.

  • Centralized management

Many organizations implement cloud solutions from different vendors with their management tools. Unifying cloud security measures across all services and providers allows IT to control all access points from one location, making monitoring and detecting threats easier.

  • Constant monitoring
  • Using available tools

IT professionals control access to cloud computing platforms and services and monitor activities that could put the organization at risk. These tools ensure that all safety and compliance requirements are met around the clock. In addition, you should regularly review the applications and devices you use and assess potential risks.

  • Data protection

Businesses use different tactics to prevent data loss and leaks. These include VPN, encryption, masquerading, and TLS protocol to prevent eavesdropping and message spoofing. Maintaining redundancy and complete data backups is essential, which is why many providers include these services in their subscriptions. In addition, vendors usually keep track of updates and security fixes, but internal IT departments are responsible for implementing the fixes.

  • Using a virtual data room

It is a modern, convenient and efficient means of organizing reliable centralized storage of all company documents and controlled access to them. The data room can be used both for conducting classical archives and as the main means of automating work with an organization’s documents. In addition, the software ensures many useful tools for secure real-time collaboration.